Southwest monsoon

美 [ˌsaʊˈθwɛst ˌmɑːnˈsuːn]英 [ˌsaʊθˈwɛst ˌmɒnˈsuːn]
  • 网络西南季风;西南季候风
Southwest monsoonSouthwest monsoon
  1. Numerical experiment research of the cause of southwest monsoon formation in South Asia


  2. A Review of Activities of Summer Southwest Monsoon over China in 2003


  3. Dynamical factor of causing upwelling in the area is strong southwest monsoon .


  4. Southwest Monsoon and Course Selection in Indian Ocean


  5. Southwest monsoon surge and its weather impact


  6. Analysis of hydrologic section off Zhujiang River Estuary in northern South China Sea during various southwest monsoon phases


  7. The response of Holocene extreme floods in the Upper Changjiang River to changes of southwest monsoon


  8. A discussion on relations between southwest monsoon variation and sea surface circulation structure and evolution in Nansha Islands sea area


  9. A numerical simulation of diabatic heating effect on transition of Indian southwest monsoon from break to activeness


  10. Climatic change and evolution of the southwest monsoon revealed by pollen records in the Heqing deep drilling core


  11. The air-sea heat exchange at Xisha areas during the onset of southwest monsoon in2000 .


  12. Strong southwester extending to eastern China , was formed by combining weaker southwest monsoon and southeast flow ;


  13. The relationship between the intensity of summer southwest monsoon over Northwest Pacific and the circulation patterns of the southern hemisphere


  14. A Study on the Regional Energetics during Break , Transitional and Active Periods of the Southwest Monsoon in South East Asia


  15. During the southwest monsoon period , two cyclonic gyres occur in the southern and northern sea areas , respectively ;


  16. While it 's always hot and humid , the southwest monsoon period from May to November see the most rain and storms .


  17. Air-sea flux exchange and variation over the Xisha sea area before and after the onset of southwest monsoon in 2002


  18. A study on the air-sea fluxes exchange coefficients over the South China sea ( scs ) during the onset of southwest monsoon


  19. The barrier action of longitudinal range-gorge on southwest monsoon is greater , but on northeast monsoon is smaller .


  20. In the light of this , the similarities and differences between the Mei-yu in China and the southwest monsoon in India are discussed .


  21. On the contrary , in the conditions of temperate ( warm ) wet stages southwest monsoon was strong and summer monsoon was weak .


  22. And ( 2 ) there existed upwellings and downwellings at the section when the southwest monsoon was strong enough .


  23. All of the differences were results of vegetational and climatic differences determined by the topography of the Ailao Mountain and the effect of the southwest monsoon .


  24. By using local observation in Nansha islands , meso and micro-scale meteorological systems have been analyzed under large-scale monsoon circulation in the time of the southwest monsoon burst .


  25. The region with low values in the eastern and southern Nansha Islands sea area during summer was corresponding to the Nansha countercurrent during the prevailing period of southwest monsoon .


  26. The climatic characteristics of warm dry and cold wet alternations of the lacustrine records in Erhai Lake are of regional features in Yunnan Plateau affected by southwest monsoon on century scale .


  27. The causing of red tide related closely in the change of the season , the red tides mostly happen during March and May in coastal Guangdong sea , it was the change from northeast monsoon to southwest monsoon ;


  28. The transport of kinetic energy in the cross equatorial flow is important for the establishment of southwest monsoon in Region B. The kinetic energy flowing into the west boundary in Region C is also significant for the establishment of monsoon there .


  29. As the southwest monsoon retreats and ITCZ moves southward , the atmospheric heat sources center moves gradually from the north of South China Sea to the west , and to the south of the Indo-China peninsula .


  30. The growth of tree ring width was responded principally to the precipitation in May , which might be influenced by the activity of southwest monsoon , whereas the maximum latewood density reflected the summer temperature ( June-September ) .

    树轮宽度主要受5月降水影响,和西南季风活动有关;而最大密度主要指示了夏季(6 ̄9月)温度。